Partner Portals

Build a feature-rich partner portal to manage your business with a large number of partners and handle their inquiries with ease.

Create engaging experiences for your partners to drive their success and yours.

Your partner portals should be able to deliver a unified experience. Whether they’re one-way and informational, or interactive and need the partner to register or complete another task. Partner portal comes with various modules that work as extended functionalities and help give more control to partners and create a better network to connect with them.


Optimize Business Processes

An online partner portal serves as a single point of contact for partners and employees. Assign specific rights to partners. Depending on their position in your organisation, you can grant employees varying levels of access to serve the end-user.

Role-based Access

Users in a CRM Portal have limited access based on their roles. Controlling who has access to what is now easy. The bespoke partner portal solutionis well-documented and straightforward to deploy.

Ease of use

Implement a process-improvement solution that ensures redundancy is eliminated and business logic is applied consistently. Partner contributions via contact forms can be managed and retrieved into an Online Partner Portal in order for the procedures to execute effectively (without the CRM).

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